Justin Butler Tea Towel


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Australian Made tea towel featuring licensed artwork by Justin Butler from North Queensland, Australia. 

  • Cotton Tea Towel 
    Made in Australia
    Dimensions: 45cm x 75cm (approx)
    Tea towel artwork/placement varies from tea towel to tea towel so each one is a little bit different.
    Packaged with information about the artist and artwork.

  • Justin Butler
    Aboriginal Artist North Queensland Australia

    "My art is influenced by both my Kalkadoon and Bandjin stories and styles. My work involves embedding Aboriginal symbols, colours, contrasts, vantage points, and abstract designs to tell the stories of my people."

    Justin Butler is an Aboriginal man from the Kalkadoon people of the Mt Isa region and Bandjin people of Munnamadahnamee (Hinchinbrook Island.) Justin's totem is the Emu foot from his Kalkadoon lineage and Yimba (Pelican) from his Bandjin lineage. Justin also has ties and connec­tion to the Jirrabal, Warragamay and Tagalaka Aboriginal people.